This software is provided “as is,” with no warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. It is not supported by Specular or any other party. Technical Support is not available for this software.
This software is freeware, meaning it may be distributed freely without charge via electronic bulletin boards and on-line services as long as it is accompanied by this document. It may not be distributed on any media or with any package for which there is a fee.
This Animation Assistant is a plug-in module for use with Specular Infini-D™ 2.6 and later. It should be placed in the “Animation Assistants” folder, which is found in the same folder as the Infini-D application.
If Infini-D is running, you must quit and re-launch it for the Animation Assistant to be recognized.
If you do not have an “Animation Assistants” folder, you should re-install from the original disks in order to have access to the Assistants that originally shipped with Infini-D. Alternatively, you may simply create a folder at the same level as Infini-D named “Animation Assistants.”
The “Change Position” Animation Assistant moves the selected Eventmarks by the X, Y, or Z distance that you specify. It is particularly useful when you have sequenced a sophisticated animation but decide that you would like the entire thing to happen in a different location.
To use this Assistant, select all the Eventmarks for the object(s) that you want moved, and then choose “Change Position…” from the hierarchical Animation Assistant menu. You will be presented with a dialog asking how far to move and along which axis. There are also two options for how the translation takes place:
Change At All Events Uniformly
This option will modify every event by the amount you specify. So if you have 5 events with an X coordinate of 0, and you translate them uniformly in X by 4 units, all 5 events will now have an X coordinate value of 4.
Change Gradually Over Time
This option will modify each event so that their values gradually increase to the amount you specify. Take our example of 5 events with an X coordinate of 0, and you translate them gradually by 4. The first event will have an X value of 0. The second will have an X value of 1, etc., until the last event has an X value of 4.
Unselected Eventmarks that exist within the range of selected Eventmarks will remain intact, producing undesirable effects. This Assistant does not create new Eventmarks; it only rearranges existing ones.